Emperor’s Children Army Set: Champions of Slaanesh.Español.
The Emperor’s Children arrive with the most dramatic of flourishes – an army box comprising of 33 brand-new miniatures evocative of their excess, a fresh Codex, a set of datasheets card and a new transfer sheet.
The Lord Exultant and his retinue are kitted out with gilded weapons and prismatic armour. This ostentatious champion comes with a choice of weapon options including phoenix power spear and rapture lash, as well as four different power packs and two head options.
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https://www.eltallerdelmodelista.com/pt/wargames-e-miniaturas/martelo-de-guerra-40000/forcas-do-caos/57637-conjunto-del-ejercito-de-los-hijos-del-emperador-campeones-de-slaanesh-games-workshop-37-04.html57637Conjunto del ejército de los hijos del emperador: Campeones de Slaanesh.<p>Emperor’s Children Army Set: Champions of Slaanesh.Español.</p>https://www.eltallerdelmodelista.com/94437-home_default/conjunto-del-ejercito-de-los-hijos-del-emperador-campeones-de-slaanesh.jpg153outofstockGAMES WORKSHOP153126.4463002025-02-27T10:20:43+0100/Raiz/Raiz/Princípio/Raiz/Princípio/Wargames e miniaturas/Raiz/Princípio/Wargames e miniaturas/Warhammer 40.000/Raiz/Princípio/Wargames e miniaturas/Warhammer 40.000/Forças do Caos
Emperor’s Children Army Set: Champions of Slaanesh.Español.