Maxx Darth Black - Photo background. M. GREEN STUFF WORLD 513232
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Maxx Darth Black - Photo background.
  • Maxx Darth Black - Photo background.
  • Maxx Darth Black - Photo background.

Maxx Darth Black - Photo background. M. GREEN STUFF WORLD 513232

Black fabric background for lightbox studio.

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Data sheet

200 x 300 mm

Ultra-black photography backdrops are a very popular choice in modeling and crafts, as they allow you to photograph your work with a high color contrast obtaining very professional finishes with almost no work. The super black Maxx Darth™ material of this photo background has been created from a combination of unique synthetic flocked fabrics with light-absorbing properties at a percentage of 99.9% in the visible light spectrum, making this backdrop the blackest fabric on earth.

This ultra-black backdrop will allow you to use it as a Photography and Videography photo background of miniatures and other small objects, easily obtaining images with completely pure black backgrounds and no reflections. Your miniature photos will be directly contrasted without the need to use photoshop.

This photo background has no anchor holes to be placed inside a lightbox. In order to use it, you simply have to lean it against a rigid surface creating a curve.

Contains: 1x Maxx Darth backdrop 200x300mm


  • Do not leave any heavy object on top of your backdrop, as it could deform the flocked micro-fabric film, reducing its light absorption performance.
  • Always keep it very clean with a Sticky Hair Removal Roller, since any speck of dust will be visible in your photo background due to contrasting colors.
  • In case of wrinkles or folds in any of your photo backgrounds, the indirect application of steam and gentle brushing could restore the shape.
  • These photography backdrops do not absorb infrared light.

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