Scalpel Handle 3. SWANN MORTON KN2800
Scalpel Handle #3. SWAN MORTON KN2800
  • Scalpel Handle #3. SWAN MORTON KN2800

Scalpel Handle 3. SWANN MORTON KN2800

New from Swann Morton, this retractable handle accepts the same blades as No. 3 but has the added safety advantage of being able to simply retract the blade into the handle.
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New from Swann Morton, this retractable handle accepts the same blades as No. 3 but has the added safety advantage of being able to simply retract the blade into the handle.

Note: this handle will not take curved blades (#12).

Consultas sobre este producto

D 30/12/2019

Que cuchillas lleva de recambio


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