Syntetic filbert brush Nº6. AMMO MIG JIMENEZ 8596
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Syntetic filbert brush Nº6.
  • Syntetic filbert brush Nº6.

Syntetic filbert brush Nº6. AMMO MIG JIMENEZ 8596

Syntetic filbert brush Nº6.

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Syntetic filbert brush Nº6.

This reference will allow us to blur and fuse colors to obtain very smooth transitions of color. It is also very suitable for working with decals and the specific liquids for them. The Synthetic Brush range made of high-quality fibers, offers great spring. They are solvent-resistant and can be used with any paint type including acrylics, enamels, and oils. These are heavy duty brushes at a very economic price, making them a great option for all types of painting and weathering techniques and tasks.

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