Instant dry cyanoacrylate. AMMO MIG JIMENEZ 8046
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Black slow dry cyanoacrylate.
  • Black slow dry cyanoacrylate.

Instant dry cyanoacrylate. AMMO MIG JIMENEZ 8046

Cyano 21 is a multi purprose cyanocrylate glue that creates a strong bond with materials such as plastic, metal, wood, resin among others.

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Cyano 21 is a multi purprose cyanocrylate glue that creates a strong bond with materials such as plastic, metal, wood, resin among others.

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J 23/11/2023

Hola.... te pregunto algo sabes de pegamento para pegar bisagras en balsa o madera y tb Foam. Cuál pegamento? Gracias


Buenas tardes,

Para pegar bisagras (entiendo que metálicas) a madera de balsa puedes emplear ciano. En cambio para el foam tendrás que emplear pegamentos vinílicos, ya que el ciano ataca al foam.

Un saludo.