Basing bits, statues and columns. GAMERS GRASS GGBB-SC
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Basing bits, statues and columns.
  • Basing bits, statues and columns.

Basing bits, statues and columns. GAMERS GRASS GGBB-SC

Basing bits, statues and columns.

Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued and is unlikely to be available again. Please view similar products.


Data sheet


Basing Bits Statues and Columns are scaled fragments of architectural elements of a past ruined monument. Ornamental columns and sculptures, eroded and broken in small pieces, will be the right props to build your antique classic flavoured scenarios. Combined with GamersGrass Basing Bits Temple, they are perfect for your ancient world reconstructions and sagas. This blister contains an assorted mix of thermoplastic Basing Bits. All Basing Bits are sold unpainted.

Consultas sobre este producto

F 13/09/2023

Este tipo de estatuas y columnas, vale para ambientar figuras de 54mm? gracias.



El fabricante no indica la escala para estas referencia, pero le indicamos que la altura de una columna completa es de 50mm.

Un saludo!