Austro-Daimler 22/70 “Phaeton”. ROCO 05409
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Austro-Daimler 22/70 “Phaeton”.
  • Austro-Daimler 22/70 “Phaeton”.

Austro-Daimler 22/70 “Phaeton”. ROCO 05409

AD 22/70 “Phaeton”
Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued and is unlikely to be available again. Please view similar products.


Data sheet

1:87 (H0)
AD 22/70 “Phaeton”

The Austro Daimler ADR was a world-class prestige car, lighter and better to drive than most of its competitors. The British journalist WF Gradley had the opportunity to ride an ADR 1929 during the “International Alpenfahrt” rally, and felt that “there is not even a hint of twisting, even when using a seven-seater body”. The vehicle was able to easily keep a steady speed of about 110 km / h on flat roads and the brakes withstood all challenges in the mountains over 1 week and on a distance of nearly 3200 km.

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