Flextrack with wooden ties. ROCO 42400
Flextrack with wooden ties. ROCO 42400
  • Flextrack with wooden ties. ROCO 42400

Flextrack with wooden ties. ROCO 42400

One piece of flextrack with wooden ties of 920 mm. Flex tracks can be bent to form any curve up to a radius: R2= 358 mm. In view of the fact that the rail profiles shift out of line with each other, it is necessary to cut them to length. For laying

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The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 4.


Data sheet

1:87 (H0)
920 mm

One piece of flextrack with wooden ties of 920 mm. Flex tracks can be bent to form any curve up to a radius: R2= 358 mm. In view of the fact that the rail profiles shift out of line with each other, it is necessary to cut them to length. For laying the flex tracks youmust have: track nails, rail connectors and sleeper end pieces. The latter contain the necessary exemptions in the region of the rail fastenings and make it easier to connect flex tracks. The sleeper end pieces are pushed onto the rail profi les on the flex track previously cut to size instead of the previously separate last three sleepers.

Note: Due to the particular size of this item, minimum units sold per order is four.

Consultas sobre este producto

R 03/01/2024

HOLA , FELIZ 2024, gracias por la respuesta, pregunto, tienen via flexible Roco con código 75?muchas gracias , saludos


Hola Roberto,

Feliz año. Roco fabrica vía en código 83, para código 75 tendría que ser PECO por ejemplo.

Un saludo.

R 30/12/2023

hola , no me dicen información del código de las lineas flexibles de Roco muchas gracias saludos


Buenos días,

La altura del raíl es de 2,1 mm (código 83). Le facilito la información del fabricante:


Un saludo.