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RENFE Locomotive nº 10109. Livery RENFES’s standard dark green with yellow stripe. UIC numbering 301-009-7. Version1970’s – 1990’s (epoch IV - NEM 809E). Motor with fly wheel. Traction in all driving wheels. 6 pins’
RENFE Locomotive nº 10109. Livery RENFES’s standard dark green with yellow stripe. UIC numbering 301-009-7. Version1970’s – 1990’s (epoch IV - NEM 809E). Motor with fly wheel. Traction in all driving wheels. 6 pins’ connector for digital decoder (NEM 651). NEM 362 coupler boxes with cinematic mechanism. Main directional lights reversible according running direction. Total length between buffers: 77,90 mm. Minimum radius curve: 360 mm. For DC systems.
In the fifties the RENFE’s shunting locomotive fleet was mainly composed of steam locomotives with 040, 060 or 080 wheel arrangement with more than 80 years active duty. A shunting fleet renovation was absolutely necessary; consequently a new diesel shunting locomotives series appeared. One of selected model were small locomotives series 10100 with B wheel arrangement. The 10100 series were inspired on the two MZA’s small shunting locomotives manufactured in the thirties by “La Maquinista Terrestre y Marítima” in Barcelona based on a German design. As the weight of these small locomotives was only 25 tons; their duty were light shunting in workshops, depots, and small and middle sized stations and even in the facilities of the several industrial companies. They were nicknamed as “Memé” or “Pegasines”. The production of the 10100 series started in 1959 and finished in 1963. The makers were; La Maquinista Terrestre y Marítima (MTM), Euskalduna and Macosa. RENFE, kept the factory paint (yellow - Ref. 43011). Later, the livery will be changed to dark green (re. 43012) to change finally to the unified RENFE green (ref. 43013)
A 25/01/2021 |
Buenos días: ¿Qué decoder aconsejáis para esta locomotora? Gracias y un saludo
Buenas tardes. El decoder que le aconsejamos para esta locomotora es el siguiente: https://www.eltallerdelmodelista.com/es/decoder-de-6-pins-10a-dh10c-1-p-19346.html Un saludo! |
G 02/06/2020 |
me interesa, la meme envejecida, me la podeis enviar digitalizada? Precio
Buenas tardes, No hay problema en enviarla digitalizada. Sólo tiene que indicarlo en los comentarios y no tiene ningún coste adicional. Sólo tiene que adquirir la máquina y el decoder. Para esa máquina aconsejamos el siguiente: https://www.eltallerdelmodelista.com/es/decoder-de-6-pins-10a-dh10c-1-p-19346.html Un saludo. |