Train RENFE TAF 2nd series. IBERTREN 47031
Train RENFE TAF 2nd series.

Train RENFE TAF 2nd series. IBERTREN 47031

RENFE train TAF (blue livery), composed by three coaches: M-9517 – R-9517 – M-9532. Epoch IV. Five poles motor with fly wheel. Eight driving wheels (two equipped with rubber rings). 21 pins connector for digital decoder or digital sound

Tax included


Data sheet

1:87 (H0)

RENFE train TAF (blue livery), composed by three coaches: M-9517 – R-9517 – M-9532. Epoch IV. Five poles motor with fly wheel. Eight driving wheels (two equipped with rubber rings). 21 pins connector for digital decoder or digital sound equipment. Couplers between cars with cinematic mechanism. Headlights and position lights with automatic reverse according to running direction (golden white lights).

As the series 1 the TAF railcars series 2 were constructed in Turin by FIAT. The main difference between both series was the air-conditioned (a/c). The series 2 fitted an a/c (build by J.Stone Co. Ltd.) placed on the roof and covered by a characteristic dome. Their maximum speed reached 120 Km/h.The TAF featured a composition (M-T-M), two motor coaches with a central trailer coach. All the train was 1st class. The series 2 comprised 15 trains with numbering from M-9511 to M-9540 (motor coach) and from R-9511 to R-9525 (central trailer coach). All three coaches in the composition were fitted with driving cabs at both ends, and so the composition could be changed according to the service requirements, being possible to drive it from either of the train ends.Thus trains ran in any of the different possible compositions: M-T-M (the more usual), M-M, M-T or even just one M. The trains TAF, after fifteen years on duty, were reformed and modernized (late 1960’s - beginning 1970’s) allowing more than ten years of extra service. The UIC numbering begins in 1969. After 28 years on duty, the class finished their service in 1980 (28th September, motor coach M-9532) in the Sevilla – Huelva line.

Consultas sobre este producto

J 31/01/2025

¿Es completo con los 3 coches? ¿Es nuevo a estrenar? Gracias


Buenos días.
Si, esta referencia se trata de la composición de 3 coches del TAF y es un artículo NUEVO, a estrenar.
Un saludo!

J 18/01/2025

¿Es correcta la dimensión entre topes de 948 mm?


Buenos días,

La distancia entre topes es de 948 mm.

Le facilitamos la ficha de Ibertren:

Un saludo,

A 16/07/2024

¿Qué decoder le viene bien a esta composición para digitalizar?


Buenos días.

Para digitalizar este automotor, necesita un decoder de 21 pines como puede ser el siguiente:

Un saludo!

M 05/07/2023

Me lo podría digitalizar si lo compro


Hola Miguel Ángel,

Sí, sin problema, podemos enviarlo ya digitalizado. Sólo tiene que comprar el decoder junto con el modelo e indicarnos en el comentario del pedido que quiere que lo enviemos digitalizado.

Un cordial saludo.

J 29/11/2022

Do you have the portuguese version? Best Regards


Hello John,

No, sorry... only this livery is still available.

Best regards,

M 28/11/2022

hola, que decoder aconsejáis para este automotor? un saludo


Buenos días.

Para digitalizar este automotor, necesita un decoder de 21 pines como puede ser el siguiente:

Un saludo!

J 28/11/2022

Lo tenéis en escala N o solo HO Saludos y gracias


Buenos días.

Este modelo por ahora solo lo tenemos en h0.

Un saludo!