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Electric locomotive BB7288, of the SNCF. Adapted to tow Talgo branches. In gray / orange version, with side plates, corresponding to epochs IV and V.
It is a completely detailed model (at the level that LS Models has accustomed us). Five-pole motor with flywheel, functional lights and 21-pin interface for the installation of a decoder.
Electric locomotive BB7288, of the SNCF. Adapted to tow Talgo branches. In gray / orange version, with side plates, corresponding to epochs IV and V.
It is a completely detailed model (at the level that LS Models has accustomed us). Five-pole motor with flywheel, functional lights and 21-pin interface for the installation of a decoder.
F 18/06/2019 |
Existe o puede realizarse la version digital y digital con sonido? Precios? Gracias Saludos
Hola Fernando. |
J 31/05/2019 |
Por favor, ¿cual es su opinión comparativa entre los modelos de LSModels y Roco de la locomotora BB7200? ¿Qué supone en el modelo el que la locomotora de LSModels reproduzca la BB7200 adaptada para remolcar los trenes Talgo? Muchas gracias y un cordial saludo.
Buenas tardes. |