Supermercado "Edeka". FALLER 130342
A modern style construction with a wide glass frontage and complete shop-fitted interior. The model can be illuminated very effectively using the micro-bulb (art. 180671), and the sign on the roof can be rotated using the FALLER motor (art. 180629) -
A modern style construction with a wide glass frontage and complete shop-fitted interior. The model can be illuminated very effectively using the micro-bulb (art. 180671), and the sign on the roof can be rotated using the FALLER motor (art. 180629) - (art. 180671 and art. 180629 are not included). Several models can becombined, thereby creating several variations for different uses.
Consultas sobre este producto
T 02/07/2019 |
No me queda muy claro si la escala es exactamente de 1:87; Un saludo, gracias.
Hola Txema. Sí, Faller lo cataloga dentro de su gama de edicicios en escala 1/87 Saludos! |