Lifeboat winch (x4). RBModel 094-02
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Lifeboat winch (x4). RB 094-02
  • Lifeboat winch (x4). RB 094-02

Lifeboat winch (x4). RBModel 094-02

This set contains parts for four lifeboat winchs (for two lifeboats). It is easy to assembly with simple tools and glue. The winch are designed in two variants, they can be mounted on ship deck or on the ship's side.
Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued and is unlikely to be available again. Please view similar products.


Data sheet


This set contains parts for four lifeboat winchs (for two lifeboats). It is easy to assembly with simple tools and glue. The winch are designed in two variants, they can be mounted on ship deck or on the ship's side.

Made with brass (turned and photo etch parts).

Dimensions (see picture):
     H = 35,0 mm
     D= 16,0 mm

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