Assembly plastic kit of four french soldiers. The set depicts four Frenchmen defending their positions on the outskirts of Sedan. They wear typical uniforms of the day, and carry suitable weapons such as the "Fusil mitrailleur modele 1924 M29" (FM 24/29), light machine gun, plus MAS Modele 36 rifles. One of the officers is even smoking a pipe.
On 10 May 1940, Germany launched its long-awaited attack in Western Europe, driving through Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. However, this was a diversion, for Army Group A - and its 1,753 tanks - was ready to slice through the lightly defended Ardennes. XIX Panzerkorps, under the command of Heinz Guderian, emerged at Sedan on the Meuse River, and the capture of this city would allow German forces to advance deep into the undefended interior of France and to encircle British forces in Belgium. The Battle of Sedan took place from 12-15 May. The city was quickly taken, and demoralized French forces on the west bank of the Meuse were unable to mount a coherent defense or to launch successful counterattacks. The Battle of Sedan was thus instrumental in the total defeat of France shortly thereafter.