German ammo box. Nebelwerfer, Wurframen. ARCHER FINE TRANSFERS AR35304W
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German ammo box. Nebelwerfer, Wurframen. ARCHER FINE TRANSFERS AR35304W
Box stencils for Nebelwerfer and Wurframen boxes. Comes with miscellaneous stencilling for fuse, tool, supply boxes as well as "DO NOT THROW" and a generous supply of Wehrmacht Eagles with different years stenciled below.
Box stencils for Nebelwerfer and Wurframen boxes. Comes with miscellaneous stencilling for fuse, tool, supply boxes as well as "DO NOT THROW" and a generous supply of Wehrmacht Eagles with different years stenciled below.
High quality dry transfers.
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Box stencils for Nebelwerfer and Wurframen boxes. Comes with miscellaneous stencilling for fuse, tool, supply boxes as well as "DO NOT THROW" and a generous supply of Wehrmacht Eagles with different years stenciled below.