Assembly plastic kit of a German Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.G from the LAH Division (Kharkov, 1943). The kit contains over 740 parts, including decals for different eschemes, photoetched pieces...
Although the Pz.Kpfw. IV was initially designed as an infantry-support medium tank, it was soon up-armored and up-gunned so it could take over the Panzer III’s primary tank-fighting role. The Panzer IV eventually became the most common German tank of WWII, with more than 9.000 produced from 1939 to 1945. This gave it the distinction of being the only German tank to remain in continuous production throughout the war. Obviously there were a number of different variants introduced during its lifetime, with one of these being the Ausf. G. A total of 1687 of this version were built in 1942-1943.